Monday, October 27, 2008

My days at Huntsville,Alabama

Hello to all those who are reading my blog right now.Well let me warn you that this is my very first attempt at 'blogging' and it may not be up to the mark,but I promise that I'll try to get better at this each day.

It had heard about this 'blog' some time last year and I just could not figure out what it was. Then I heard that Mr.Amitabh Bacchan ,ShahRukh Khan Amir Khan ....every imp. personality was setting up his/her blog.And here I was not still understanding what it was all about.Well I am not 'computer savvy' but things were becoming out of comprehension at a rapid pace and I kind of felt very outdated and out of track.

So I'm glad I'm at Huntsville, Alabama ,on a Teachers exchange program far from the routine-busy life at my school-able to catch up on some relevant computer skills .Now I'm beginning to understand the computer better ,able to use the computer for lots of other things than just sending emails.

Thank You Virginia for giving me a good start to the computerworld .I do feel much better ,smarter and like an 'upgraded' teacher ready to face my students [ who r really smart with their comp.] back home.

Thanx once again.

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